Revised Edition Commentary Series |
BIBLICAL INSIGHTS COMMENTARYPaul's Letter to the ColossiansVolume 15 Pericope 04 Col. 1:11b-14 |
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Select the desire file and click it on for the avi/pdf formatted file.
The material is presented first in animated visual video avi / mp4 format, which summarizes the commentary materials. Both the Storyboards and the Commentary pages are in increasing length and are formatted in the downloadable and printable pdf format. You can begin with the video summation and go then to the detailed commentary materials. Begin the three types of materials by bringing up first the Part One exegesis that establishes a probable historical meaning of the scripture text. Then Part Two exposition will explore possible applications of the scripture text to our contemporary world. This is presented the same essential way in four modern language editions: English, German, French, and Spanish.
ITEMS: | English | German | French | Spanish | ||||||||||
Supplementary Aids:[These aids relate to both the commentary andstoryboard files. The textfiles are in the pdf fileformat for downloadingand printing. The audiofiles are in either mp3 orwav file format. They alsocan be downloaded.] |
Reading the English translation Block Diagram: English Text |
Auflistung smehrerer Übersetzungen Blockdiagramm des griechischen Textes Blockdiagramm des deutschen Textes Kommentar Anmerkungen: Den Kontext finden |
Liste de traductions multiples Schéma fonctionnel: texte grecSchéma fonctionnel: texte français Analyser les mots grecs en français Fichier Zip PPP Fichier PPP Trouver le contexte |
Leyendo la traducción al español. Lista de traducciones múltiples. Diagrama de bloques: texto griego Diagrama de bloques: traducción al español Análisis de las palabras griegas Archivo zip PPP Archivo PPP Encontrar el contexto |
Revised: 4/17/24